
Curran Law Firm is proud to provide high quality legal representation to people who have been injured by the carelessness of others.  At Curran Law Firm, we strongly believe that the only way to make our community safer is by making those who don’t follow safety rules and hurt others fully accountable.


We make it a point to show juries that the very reason the Founding Fathers enshrined jury trial protections into the United States Constitution is because they knew that jurors would hold accountable those who cause injuries, thereby creating a safer society, one where people don’t recklessly endanger others’ lives.  Dangerous conduct includes everything from driving while intoxicated (DWI), to distracted driving (including texting and otherwise using cell phones), to manufacturing dangerous products, to disregarding food safety laws, and on and on.


At Curran Law Firm, we believe that we already have enough safety laws regulating us, and that what has been lacking in this country is for our leadership to require strict enforcement of the safety rules we already have.  That means that we as a society need to hold these people fully accountable for their conduct when it hurts others.  We can and do make our community safer by consistently and holding people fully accountable for the damage they cause.


Most people don’t realize it until it happens to them, but the truth is that it’s very common for insurance companies to refuse to make fair settlement offers to injured people.  It’s not an exaggeration to say that none of our clients want to file a lawsuit.  They don’t.  They’d much rather settle promptly for a fair amount, and not have to deal with all of the work and worry that a lawsuit brings.  But in many cases, insurance companies give them no real choice.  The company either refuses to make any settlement offer at all, or make a ridiculously low offer.  Many times, the insurance company’s offer is actually less than the amount of the injured person’s medical bills!  That doesn’t sound like a “good neighbor” to me.


By forcing us to file a lawsuit, the insurance company is being unfair to both the injured person as well as their own customer.  Being sued is no fun, we know, and we don’t do it lightly. But in almost every case the insurance company’s customer is only being sued because their insurer is acting unreasonably.


Rob Curran is a graduate of Georgetown University and Georgetown Law School.  He has also graduated from the prestigious Trial Lawyers College created by the most successful trial lawyer of all time, Gerry Spence.  Only experienced trial attorneys are admitted, and only if they promise they do not represent any insurance companies or big businesses.  At his college, Gerry’s highly successful techniques are taught, by not only Gerry himself, but a staff of the most elite trial lawyers in the country.